Banner with text Superintendent Search and Fostering a Culture of Excellence
  • EMS ISD Trustees Seek Community Input in Search for Next District Leader
    Survey Open for Responses from October 2-9

    The EMS ISD Board of Trustees believes input from the community is vital in the search for the next superintendent. As part of this process, the Board is asking the greater EMS ISD community to share their thoughts on the priorities for the district and characteristics they feel are important to consider for the next leader of the district. All community members are invited and encouraged to respond to a short but valuable community survey. 

    The following questions are being asked:

    • What are the strengths of the District and the broader community?
    • What are the major challenges facing the District both short-term and long-term.
    • What are the desired professional characteristics of the superintendent of schools?
    • What are the desired personal characteristics of the superintendent of schools?

    The survey will be open from October 2-9 and all responses are anonymous. All responses received will be individually read, reviewed, and analyzed by a third-party survey administrator and provided for the Board's consideration. The survey report provided to Trustees also will be available for public review on this webpage.

    The public survey link has been sent to all employees and current parents of the district via email and text message. Community members may access the survey through the district website and on EMS ISD social media accounts. Thank you for taking a few moments to share your input at

Timeline for Superintendent Search
  • EMS Trustees Move Forward in Search for Next District Leader

  • Overview of Search Process

  • Community Focus Groups and Survey

  • District Information

  • Application Information